Proposed Changes to Standing Rules

DE Proposed Standing Rule Online Elections

The AMTA-DE chapter board will be presenting standing rule changes for membership approval via electronic voting. 

Per National AMTA Bylaws, we will require a 2/3 vote to approve the changes provided in the attached document. 

Electronic ballots will be sent to all professional members.

Following is a summary of the changes proposed in the attached requiring member approval. Two versions have been provided for your review: 1) a bold and strikethrough copy showing what is being changed or deleted and 2) a complete revised version of the AMTA-DE Standing Rules should the membership approve these changes. 

Revise Section 2 A. Chapter Board

Revise Section 3. Meetings A 2

Revise Section 4. Elections

Proposed standing rules with strikethroughs

AMTA Delaware Revised Standing Rules


Rationale for proposed changes

Revisions to Section 2 and 3 are housekeeping changes to bring the chapter Standing Rules in alignment with National Bylaws and Policy.

The revision to section 4 would change our election process from an in-person vote at our annual meeting to an online election process. We have conducted our elections in this manner the past two-years due to COVID-19 restrictions on in-person meetings and have seen an increase in voter participation. Online elections provide an opportunity for all AMTA Professional Members in Delaware to vote for elected chapter board positions and delegates electronically. 

Please contact AMTA-DE Chapter President Sarah Craig at if you have any questions about the standing rule changes.